
A Book of Contemplation the Which Is Called the Cloud of Unknowing, in the Which a Soul Is Oned with God is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Cloud of Unknowing is a fourteenth-century work of Christian mysticism written by an anonymous author. It is a spiritual guide to contemplative prayer—the art of surrendering ego, mind, and expectations so that God may pierce the barrier, or cloud, that separates him from us. Since this book’s entrance into religious circles more than 500 years ago, the question of authorship has been asked...

how thou bearest thee. Seest thou not how He standeth and abideth thee?” True, the will alone, however ardent and industrious, cannot of itself set up communion with the supernal world: this is “the work of only God, specially wrought in what soul that Him liketh.” But man can and must do his part. First, there are the virtues to be acquired: those “ornaments of the Spiritual Marriage” with which no mystic can dispense. Since we can but behold that which we are, his character must be set in order,
Pages 19–20